
Hamatora The Animation (dub) - EPISODE 1

Genres: Comedy Anime, Dub Anime, Mystery Anime, Shounen Anime, Super Power Anime

Country: Japan




Year: 2014

 "Minimum"— Otherwise known as "small miracles", is a special power that only manifests within a few, select humans. Those who possess this ability are called "Minimum Holders." The detective duo of Nice and Murasaki, otherwise known as "Hamatora," wait again today for work with their friends at a table at Cafe Nowhere that they use as their agency. Suddenly, a job they receive seems to have a weird connection with the serial killer that their police friend, Art, is searching for.
Light Off Theater Mode
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 

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